Experience Coaching - International Coaching Week


Needing support during complex times? Want to experience coaching at no charge on Vancouver Island?

Now is your chance and we have seats open for you! During #InternationalCoachingWeek May 4-10, 2020, you can benefit from #probonocoaching so you can understand the powerful impact of professional coaching on a topic of your choosing.

#ExperienceCoaching pro bono event May 5, 2020 in Victoria, BC from 12 noon to 3pm is a virtual event requiring pre-registration during which you will connect with a professional ICF accredited coach for a session over the phone or video – whichever you prefer! Availability is on a first come, first serve basis, so register soon! This will be your opportunity to get clear on a goal, move from inaction on a situation into action, bring focused clarity to a decision, or perhaps identify your blind-spots on an issue or opportunity. To register: https://experiencecoachingicfvancouverislandchapter.setmore.com/class 

When you register, you will receive a brief set of questions to help you prepare for your #ExperienceCoaching session.

Find out for yourself why people who receive coaching report improved productivity, confidence, focus and so much more in their work and lives, especially in these times of increasing complexity. #ExperienceCoaching!

Questions? Write Eva Van Krugel, Community Relations, South Vancouver Island, Vancouver Island Chapter, International Coach Federation.

Learn more about International Coaching week.